ACLAI Lab, part of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at the University of Ferrara, focuses on studying, designing, and delivering artificial intelligence applications. Our research is focused on the edge between logic and AI and our primary objective is to design mathematically sound and formally certified tools. We are also members of the OVERLAY research group.

Prof. Guido Sciavicco

Dr. Giacomo Piva

Dr. Ionel Eduard Stan
RESEARCHER – Milano-Bicocca

Dr. Giovanni Pagliarini

Dr. Alberto Paparella

Dr. Federico Manzella

Dr. Mauro Milella

Dr. Michele Ghiotti

Dr. Andrea Paradiso

Dr. Patrik Cavina

Dr. Edoardo Ponsanesi

Mr. Pietro Bellodi

Dr. Pietro Casavecchia
Foundations of modal symbolic learning
We study the foundations of symbolic learning methods, with special focus on the potential of modal logic. Our purpose it to define a complete symbolic framework that includes data analysis, model learning and evaluation, post-hoc model analysis, and model visualization. Our framework is the basis onto which we develop our applied projects; its implementation, Sole.jl, is completely open-source, and written in the Julia programming language.
EEG reading and interpreting
Within our symbolic learning framework, we extract,
interpret, and test symbolic models to extract information from EEG signals.
Examples include neurophysiology trials in which subjects undergo several
tasks, including artwork observation and/or simple movements, while their
brain activity is being recorded. Our goal is to devise symbolic models
that explain and predict the outcomes.
Predictive maintenance
We study predictive maintenance tasks of several kinds
of machines, using sensors' data and their behavior in time. For example,
we considered a predictive task designed to warn against possible 'trip'
event in gas turbines, and designed both general and machine-specific symbolic
temporal model, which allow the experts not only to perform preemptive
shutdowns but also to study what seems to influence the events insurgence.
Information extraction from audio
In collaboration with the leading experts in conversation
automation, we study symbolic temporal models of audio for different purposes.
Our models aim to extract information about the speaker(s), their characteristics,
sentiment, and other relevant characteristics from human and semi-automatic
conversations, using innovative approaches based on the audio rather than on the
Health monitoring
We design, test, and apply symbolic model for online,
real-time data from health monitors and accelerometers/gyroscopes. Such models
live on health monitor software/hardware systems, specifically built for emergency
situations, and are tested in real cases. Real situations that can be monitored
include the movement status of the subjects, possible falls and/or injuries, but
also cardiac/respiratory events and/or distress. Models are completely symbolic,
and produce verifiable rules that can be analyzed, discussed, and possibly
modified by the expert.
Geochemical fingerprinting of food products and water resources
We study, design, and implement protocols for geochemical fingerprinting based on physical, chemical, and isotopic data. We work with the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara (Italy), the University of Còrdoba (Spain), and the Ayesa Foundation (Sevilla, Spain).
ACLAI promotes an undergraduate research initiative for mathematics and computer science students. The purpose of this initiative is to stimulate undergraduate students to start their research career and enrich their curricula with conference and journal publications. The Bachelor Degree in Computer Science within the University of Ferrara, in particular, includes 21 ECTS credits (12+9) for internship and final project; students joining the undergraduate research initiative spend this amount of credits at the ACLAI laboratory, enjoy the possibility of studying extra-curricular topics, and, in some cases, publish early-stage theoretical and implementation results. Current and past students that have joined the program are:
- Dr. Federico Bulzoni
- Dr. Elisabetta Gentili
- Dr. Arianna Soriani
- Dr. Andrea Bercè
- Dr. Alberto Paparella
- Dr. Gabriele Spina
- Dr. Federico Vancini
- Dr. Nicola Mischiatti
- Dr. Giulia Linguerri
- Dr. Patrik Cavina
- Dr. Lorenzo Balboni
- Mr. Pietro Poluzzi
- Dr. Michele Ghiotti
- Mr. Pietro Bellodi
- Dr. Enrico Favale
- Dr. Enrico Albertini
- Dr. Edoardo Ponsanesi
- Dr. Pietro Casavecchia